I was wondering if 53 is really old enough to have any profound birthday thoughts. I guess it doesn’t matter the age, anyone can have thoughts that seem, to them anyway, profound.
On this day I have the chance to look back at where I’ve been and ahead to where it is that I am going. While the past is very clear, my future is not all that clear. It is open to infinite possibilities and in that respect I am a very blessed person. I have learned so many new things about myself, about life in general, and about things that I am capable of when I decide to just be open to whatever comes along.
To go back in time, to see where I have been before and equate it with where I am now, it’s hard for me to wrap my mind around at times. The person that had to hold a wall while she walked to keep from falling over has moved on to a different arena. It’s as though she never existed but in a very bizarre movie. I know that she did exist; she had to exist so that she could fully comprehend the magnitude of where she was versus where she is today; where I am today.
Brad tells me that I haven’t cured myself yet. I understand that as I have an incurable disease, that doesn’t mean that I have any intention of being any less than what I am capable of. I believe that the mind is the strongest part of any person. The things that can be accomplished when a person really puts their mind to it are nothing short of amazing. Miracles happen at that level. I believe in miracles, I don’t think being cured as a miracle, I think living a full and wonderful life; helping others with Reiki, continually learning and growing, regardless of my age, that is the true miracle. Deciding that age has no relevancy to what I can or cannot accomplish is a miracle. My medical records have no part in this, it’s me being all that I can be and loving every minute of it.
I have been blessed to see first hand what energy work is capable of doing. As a person progresses with treatments I know that the energy has made a difference. I have had a client with rheumatoid arthritis come and show me that her fingers aren’t as swollen as they have been for so many years. She could pinch the skin and it was loose, she hasn’t been able to do this for a very, very long time. Is she cured, no, is she better, yes!
Smiles are a very good indication of how things are going, so are hugs. I judge my life on both and I receive a very large amount of both of them, smiles and hugs. On this day, I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I already have. The future is filled with promise and bright sunshine. I have a family that I love very much. My life is filled with people that bring out the best in me. Happy birthday to me and I truly expect to have many, many more of them.