Saturday, April 21, 2012

Just a bit more ...

This is just a bit more on the amazing qualities of rose quartz. I have a client that I "prescribed" rose quartz to. I do this rather often to be honest with you, hand out rose quartz with instructions that the client needs to keep it close and hold it when things get hard for them to deal with.

This particular client sleeps with her rose quartz. She holds it in her hand, next to her heart as she falls to sleep. She finds it the next morning somewhere upon her body where it has rested for the night. She brought it in to an appointment the other day, very excited, as she had something to show me. Her rose quartz is "growing" a dark spot in the center of it! She told me that it is healing her, it is removing the sadness that has kept her from moving forward for so long. I agree!

Her state of mind is awesome these days and she sees the world with a new happiness and is ready to start being a vibrant part of it once again.

Never underestimate the power of energy work combined with the proper stones. It is amazing what can be accomplished. It is also amazing when you hear stories where the change is so dramatic that the family has noticed and will bring the client her rose quartz unasked for. They know that she is having a difficult time and the difference in holding the stones and not holding them is that dramatic! How cool is that??