Thursday, March 1, 2012

The True Miracle …

I can’t tell in words the reality of how good it feels to know that I have made a difference in someones life. This week has shown me just how blessed I am in having guides that work so well with me and the loving light of the Angels that are always in the room and helping as I work with my Clients. This is a journey that helps others, but it helps me more than I can express.

To be able to see with my own eyes the progress that is being made by my Clients is huge! It can’t be denied. One came in to show me that her poor swollen fingers, swollen so badly from rheumatoid arthritis that they were painful and had no movement at all, have places that are no longer swollen. That she can actually pinch skin and move it! On top of the noticeable physical changes, her emotional well being has changed so much. She has energy, she wants to do things and her smile is so beautiful that I can’t help but smile back at her. Such is the miracle of energy work.

To have another come in the next day, again all smiles and glowing, such a transformation! To have her tell me that her week was amazing to her; that others have commented on how good she looks. Her outlook is so much brighter and clearer and she is embracing life at the moment. What more could anyone ask for?

The hugs and happiness of my Clients is a big deal to me. I don’t work alone, I’ve never worked alone and I don’t claim to be the worker of miracles. The true miracle is the miracle of the Universal Light Energy and the ability to work with it. To know and trust the things that you see and hear to be true and follow through with them are a part of that miracle. To be able to see beyond the scope of my physical eyes and understand (though I don’t always understand) what I see and know that the energy and my helpers will be there to assist, always there to assist me, is a big deal.

Thank you, my wonderful little sister, for encouraging me to learn about the gift of Reiki. It is truly a gift and my Clients are a gift to me as well. By helping them, I help myself. It is a win-win situation and it makes my world a very beautiful place to be living in.

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