I have a very firm belief that true, lasting healing comes from the heart. The Institute of Heart Math has done several studies on the power of the heart and I find them to be very interesting. Are you aware that the electromagnetic field of the brain can be measured up to a four foot circumference around the brain? Let's compare that to the electromagnetic field of the heart. The heart has a circumference of twelve feet around the heart! I wonder which one has more influence on things, the brain or the heart?
I have written that I work with my Client as a team effort. It takes a team at times to accomplish the goals that we wish to accomplish in our lives. Healing is no different. Lasting healing comes from a place in the heart center. I can help to clear your aura, balance your chakras, send energy to assist with a multitude of things, and we will see great progress. We will see a complete disappearance of the original conditions that you, the Client wished to clear up. I've seen this over and over again. It truly is a wonderful thing to follow the progress that is made as the team works together.
I will return to my first statement "lasting healing comes from the heart". As a Reiki Practitioner, I use pure love from my heart center to begin each and every treatment. It has to come from that place to be as strong and as effective as I wish the energy to be. My focus is on my Client, on what I sense and see, and for the time that they are in my office, they are my world. The treatments are amazing and my Clients have amazing experiences as well.
The one thing that I really want to get through to everyone is that until you can learn to love yourself, unconditionally love and respect yourself, things will still slip in and cause you new types of dis-ease. You will be back to see me with a different set of things that the "team" needs to work on. It isn't an easy thing, this learning to love yourself unconditionally. To love yourself beyond the level of words and have it be something that you know, deep within your own heart center, that it is the truth.
To heal completely you have to get to the point that you can look into the mirror at any given moment and love the person that you see looking back at you. This is not an easy thing to do by any means. I work myself not to cringe at that "baby belly" that I see in the mirror. It is part of me and to be healthy in all aspects of my life, I need to love that part just as much as I do my little feet!
I call this "Heart Magick ... Where Healing Begins". It's a team effort to get to this point of unconditional love, but we can all get there. When you love yourself unconditionally, the rest will start to fall into place.
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