It would appear that living with a Benevolent Being means that my life is not boring! Yesterday we had a public meditation. We actually had people there that were new to meditation and we really made their first time memorable!
We have a friend that has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a level one, the best level to have if you are going to be diagnosed. The problem is that her tumor is too big for a lumpectomy and she has decided to do a mastectomy. Our meditation was geared towards sending her love and healing.
From the moment I started into my meditation, she was there. During the first song, she was dancing alone first with white light shining down upon her, then water poured over her head, I knew that it was cleansing her. Suddenly, Julie, Jen, and I (along with several people that I didn’t know) were dancing around her. It was a very specific dance, one that I don’t know, but it was beautiful. We danced until the end of that song.
The second song began and so did a new segment of my meditation. I was only observing, but my friend lay upon my massage table up in my room. She looked so peaceful! Suddenly, a very large Angel appeared at her side. I even flinched a bit as it was such a large Angel. Then more Angels appeared. They were giving her Reiki, their hands were everywhere and she glowed a beautiful golden color. They very gently rolled her to her side and placed an amethyst pyramid upon the tumor. They continued to send her energy and it appeared as though there was an opening beneath the pyramid. They removed something, it started out red with a golden cord wrapped around it and then it turned silver with scales. What that means I have no clue. Then that song ended.
The third song began and so did a new section of the meditation. Again, my friend was there. She was in a field of the greenest grass filled with daisies. Her face was radiant and she was dressed in a goddess type gown, sleeves flowing as she danced. She didn’t dance alone. There was a man there with her, though I couldn’t tell what he looked like or who he was. They were dancing a beautiful dance together and soon we joined them, though we kept to the background with our dancing. She and the gentleman stopped their dance when they reached a high spot in the field. They gently held hands and watched as the sun set. The peace that I felt was immense. I heard the words very clearly that she will be very happy and at peace. Then I heard the words “it is done”. I thought that this was the end of the meditation and I was getting ready to take off my blindfold in anticipation of it being the last song.
Suddenly the loudest noise went off, startling everyone present! We all jumped as the heater, for whatever reason, starting sounding like a fire alarm! I jumped up and unplugged it quickly and everyone looked a bit rattled by what had just happened. I think that I may have made mention that I was glad that it was over anyway, not really sure on that as I did think it was over. Jen, who leads the meditations, said that there was one more song to go for this meditation, it really wasn’t over! We all started laughing as it seems, something decided it was over for us and made sure that we were startled into finishing. I told them that the words “it is done” came to me moments before the “alarm” went off. Now they say that it’s my fault, in a very loving and laughing way. The general consensus is that it was done on purpose by a Benevolent Being. The work really was “done” and we needed to end the meditation. It was interesting to listen to what each of us saw as we were tracking with each other in several parts during the meditation. We all danced in circles, purple and gold showed up for each of us as did the Angels.
I really hope that our new meditatee doesn’t think that happens all the time!