Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do Dreams Show Our Purpose?

How to begin this writing … well, I had a dream last night. That should be a good place to start. It was actually more like this morning than last night. I remembered sitting in a room with several people that I didn’t know and a few that I do know. The ones that I knew were Jen and Julie, the rest of the people were strangers. We were discussing the building that we were in and what part of it Jen, Julie, and I were going to use. Once we left the room where we all were, the building was a disaster!

Strange things happened as they seem to do in all dreams; disconnected at different places within the dream. There were children in my dream; several children. At one point we were putting on skits. Julie and I were helping the kids and it was a different skit in each room. The rooms weren’t completed, but we were working on them.

Then we were back in the same room, once again with people that I don’t know, and they were telling us that the child welfare people were coming to inspect the facility. I remember that we were worried as we weren’t ready to be inspected; we were still working on getting things ready! It never occurred to me to wonder why the child welfare people would want to inspect us at all.

Julie, Jen, and I were sitting at a very big counter that looked out over a large, open, wooden floor that reminded me of our dance floor, only much bigger. The counter reminded me of the one in our current Center, again only much bigger. We were giving each other readings and surprisingly enough, eating. For some reason I started opening doors at the side of the dance floor, there were several, and discovered that one of them opened into a bathroom. I was excited as there was a normal size toilet, but there were also facilities made small to accommodate children. I showed this to one of our dancers and she was very excited as she loved this bathroom. She said it was much better than the one that we had now.

Once again we were in the room with the people that I don’t know. With us were more people that I don’t know, but it didn’t take me long to realize that they were from the Child Welfare place and were discussing their findings. The Owners (as I take the first unknown people to be) were asking the official people to please just take into consideration what they had been telling them. They were answered with a “we are listening and you heard our response to plan A and you will be getting a response to plan B soon.”

For some reason, at this point I asked if I could say something. They all looked at me and I began a very impassioned speech and I have no idea where it came from! I told them that I was a Reiki Master and that my purpose there was to administer Reiki to the children. In this capacity I would never interfere with any medical treatment that they would be receiving. I told them that I was not a trained counselor and that I didn’t plan on taking the place of one. I told them that I was a very good listener though, and sometimes having someone to listen to what you have to say brings healing on its own. I told them to look around them, to see the beauty that the facility was setting in, to hear the peace and quiet that surrounded them. To know that just the setting would start to bring healing to the shattered lives of these children. I asked them to look beyond the state of repair that the building was in and to see the bigger picture of what we represent and what we can accomplish. I woke up after this speech with a sense of purpose.

Do our dreams tell us things as we sleep? This isn’t the first time that I’ve heard that I will be working with children, though it is the most impassioned message that I’ve received. The future holds many possibilities and I am very aware of that. All that I can do is trust and follow where I am led. I have asked to be used in anyway that helps to bring peace to the World. It will be interesting to see where the road and the journey lead me.

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