Thursday, January 12, 2012

I am running again ..

I am getting ready to go out for what I refer to as a "run". My son calls it jogging at best, maybe even a fast walk. He's probably correct. I try though, and that's all that matters. I was in much better shape a few years ago, but then life seemed to get in the way and I got out of the habit. It IS a habit, exercise, a very good habit.

I am getting constant reminders now, that I need to be outside. Not that I should be outside, but that I need to be outside. I know the reasons why, I think better when I'm outside and moving. I feel better when I'm outside and moving. I am more connected with myself when I am outside. I have written before in my personal journal, that outside is my church and the birds are part of my choir.

That last sentence makes me smile as my Dad reminds me often that growing up, when he needed help around the farm, I could never be found! I never left the inside of the house, which isn't exactly correct. I did have a way of disappearing though, when Dad needed help. It seemed that my older sister or my brother were much better suited for that. Dad had/has a temper and that was what I was disappearing from, conflict is not something that I am good at. It was much easier to just be "invisible" long enough for him to have someone else to help him.

Even now, I need prodding at times to go outside. Until I get back into my routine of running again, it will be an effort and a reminder on my part to go out and do it. I always feel better when I do, even if it's pouring the rain and I get soaked. Why is it that even knowing something will make you feel better, you still put it off? I guess it's like eating that healthier diet, it just seems to be something that can be done at more convenient time.

I can hear the ring in my ears, the one that is telling me "outside, outside". I know that it's time to go. I will feel better, more alive and more in tune with the world around me. This is one addiction that I need to get again, the outside addiction. Nature has so much to teach me, if I only listen. So, outside I go, I'm ready for some rosey red cheeks.

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