Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fear is a Learned Behavior

I wrote in an earlier blog of my fear of the unknown in the spiritual world. I am fine with seeing people that have passed on, spiritual beings that want to help, and the Angels when I am meditating or giving Reiki treatment. At other times I wrote that I am afraid that they might actually appear before me! I have had a few close encounters lately and I’m working through them.

My girlfriends and I had decided that I must have had some type of encounter in my younger years that has caused a blockage for me in this area. I no longer think that this is the case. During the past few days I have heard a message no less than three different times. That message is that fear is a learned behavior. The message has come from different sources, but it is always the same message. The Angels are very good at sending messages if you are paying attention.

Upon thinking about this, I have realized that I did learn this behavior. My Dad has told stories all of my life about different spirit encounters within his/my family. They have always been told in a manner of a scary bedtime story, not in a way that would instill a sense that this was a normal happening. I can clearly remember one such encounter as I lay in bed and listened to the steady footsteps coming up our stairs and I kept thinking over and over that whatever it was, please go into my sister’s bedroom rather than mine! The footsteps did go into her bedroom and I will never forget the look in her face when she walked into my room about 15 minutes later and told me what happened. She was white with fear and I slept with a night light for the next five years. She insists now that it was a bad dream, but unless I was part of that bad dream, it was a very real encounter.

So, my fear is a behavior that I have learned. There have been a few things that have come to light in the last few days about what I fear in meeting in the Center. It is interesting to note that I have been unable to get into the Center since these things have been revealed to me due to a snowstorm that we are having. Do I think that the snow was created just for me to have time to deal with this fear? No, I don’t think that I have that much power, but I do believe that the timing of everything was set to coincide with the storm so that I have time to work through this fear before I next go to the Center.

A learned behavior can be unlearned. I have the best possible help with the unlearning of things. I have been reminded daily, several times a day that I am not alone. Archangel Michael is always with me. I have asked for guidance and help and he is there to do that. He has made a personal appearance, standing beside my bed and I knew that he was there as I saw him. I had no fear. My poor dogs on the other hand were beside themselves as they couldn’t get to me due to the gate that keeps them in the dining room area.

I am working on this fear thing and I believe that it will be at a much better level by the time the snow dissipates enough to go back into the Center. I can not move forward with where I need to be, until I unlearn a behavior. I fully intend to do that.

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