It's always interesting that about the time you think that you are doing everything that you possibly can to help with a situation, you discover that you didn't give enough credit to one important piece of the puzzle. I injured my knee, or I think that I injured my knee though I don't really remember how, early last August. That would coincide with about the time several things were changing in my life.
The pain comes and goes, it can be very painful at times, especially if I sit in one position to long. It wakes me up at night and I can administer Reiki to myself and the pain goes away. It isn't fixing the problem though, as the pain will return and wake me up again.
I have tried to send Reiki to the cause of the problem, again, I haven't managed to make it better. I discussed my knee with my Neurologist at my last appointment and while he doesn't think that it's related to my MS, he did say that he would refer me to the orthopedic that did my knee surgery when a piece of my thigh bone fell out and was locking my knee cap. It is the same knee that is hurting again.
The doctor that he referred me to was supposed to call me and schedule an appointment, to date I have not heard from him. So I have continued on with my waking up at night in pain and administering Reiki so that I can go back to sleep again. OK, I admit that there are things that I know to do that can help and for some reason I just wasn't do them. I took the "You are Energy" class the other night with Connie Dohan and the reminder came to me loud and clear. I had another tool that I could add to my Reiki to help with my knee.
I was reminded about Louise Hay and her book "You can Heal Your Life". I have her book and I've directed others in its use, but here I was, not using it myself! So I looked up the affirmation for joint pain. The pain represents changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements. Wow, I can understand this one! Everything thing in my life has been changing directions since I became a Reiki Master. The affirmation that goes with the healing of the knee pain is "I easily flow with change. My life is Divinely guided, and I am always going in the best direction." I began saying this mantra yesterday when I finally caught the missing piece. I actually had a dream of myself writing out affirmations for clients on a prescription pad and then signing it. It seems as though I am in need of the first "prescription".
My knee already feels better. It isn't locking up when I sit and I didn't wake from pain last night. I didn't think that I was having any problems with this change in my life direction. I guess that maybe I might have misjudged that just a bit! I think that I need to add a notepad to my office as there might be a Client or two that will need an affirmation to recite.
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