Thursday, March 29, 2012

My New Most Amazing Thing!

I have mentioned that I am taking a Crystal Healing class and I am really enjoying it! There are so many neat things about crystals and stones in general that I had no idea about.

A few weeks ago I had a Client in my office for an appointment. There was time prior to her appointment and I felt that she needed the calming effect of Rose Quartz so I handed her one stone for each hand. She sat and held them, not looking at them, for about an hour. At the end of that time, I was ready for her appointment and she went to hand me the stones back. She had the strangest look on her face as she looked at me and asked “these stones were pink when you gave them to me, right?” YES, they were pink! I looked at them and now they were white!

I did my normal thing when I come across something new that I’ve never seen or heard of before, I contacted Connie Dohan to see if she had heard of this before and what the cause was. Of course Connie had not only heard of it, but she has experienced it within her own practice. My client did indeed need the properties of the quartz, she needed it so badly that she drained the stones of their energy!

I asked if this could be reversed and Connie assured me that it can. I just need to return the stones to Mother Earth for a period of time and they will recharge and grain their color back. The length of time depends upon the depth of the drain to the stone.

Since this occurrence I have been learning more about stones and crystals in particular. All crystals are stones, but not all stones are crystals. It has to do with their molecular structure, but I’m not going to get into all of that here. While I was at Connie’s for my mentoring session I learned first hand even more about what can happen to stones during a healing.

I had no idea that stones actually absorb things from the Client. This was even true when the Client was me! Connie showed me where the Selenite under her table had collected black spots; these just scrape off so they don’t mar the beauty of the Selenite for long. Of course, the crystals are an entirely different matter all together!

They actually change just as the rose quartz did with my first Client above. They absorb and change as the healing progresses. I have taken the time to really pay attention to my crystals now on a before and after treatment basis. I have been able to actually show my Clients after a treatment the changes that have occurred within the double terminated smoky quartz that I now always place between their feet. It might be small changes or it could be big changes. Sometimes it is a new smoky “line” inside of the crystal, sometimes it is a beautiful new crystal shape. There isn’t always a change, and sometimes it is just a very subtle change.

This phenomenon both amazes and excites me! It is something that I can show my Clients that they can see with their own eyes. It helps to show that Mother Earth is working to help the healer heal. We work together, nature is designed to help us to be the best that we can be and when we work with her rather than against her, things just seem to flow a little bit better.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Month’s Reiki Share

It’s been busy the past little bit! I am learning so much from my Crystal Healing classes.  My teacher is a biologist and I am learning a lot of the “scientific” information behind why crystals work so well. It’s really interesting to me.

I held a Reiki Share on Sunday and as such I did a very simple demonstration of how energy works. I hoped that it would work as I planned, I hadn’t done any testing prior to the Share, but I knew that the theory was sound, so the demonstration should work just fine. It did!

I made up a crystal grid as I had learned during class. I made it a healing grid and I put it in the form of the eternity symbol. I did nothing more than lay out the crystals and let it be. Then I took a set of divining rods (the type used for finding water sources) and the premise is that as you walk towards the grid, the rods swing outward when they “sense” the energy from the grid.

With the grid just set up, nothing more, the energy field stopped at the edge of the crystals, no further out than that. Then I lit a candle that was sitting beside the grid. From that one small step, the energy was sensed a bit further out from the crystals.

My next step was to “charge” the crystals. I did this with a large crystal point. I ran it from the center stone to each crystal in the grid in turn, connecting them all together in an energy pattern. This created a much larger circle of energy around the grid. I had to step back further to be able to have the rods sense the energy.

We left the grid, candle burning, and moved on to our discussion on chakras. After allowing the grid to be for a bit, I checked the energy level once more, this time it reached almost across the room. This was a very impressive show of how energy works and how it can grow and build.

It was a nice afternoon. We all received Reiki Healing (even me!) in a group setting. I was very proud of my Practical Reiki Students, they are doing so well! They were able to sense the places that needed attention on the “client” with their hands in the body scans. It is exciting to see the sensitivity in their hands getting stronger.

Next month’s Reiki Share is going to be a continuation on the crystals grids, and who knows that else I might pick up along the way! It’s a fun afternoon of teaching, learning, and sharing this wonderful gift of energy that the Universe provides us.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Trip ….

I had the best trip to Dublin, Ohio! It was a two-fold trip, the first part was to see Connie Dohan and take her metaphysical business mentoring workshop and the second was to visit my younger sister and her daughter. I couldn’t have asked for a better trip had I had the opportunity to plan it for myself!

I have met some of the most interesting people on this trip. They are all warm, sincere, lovely people that have nothing more than the giving spirit that seems to surround people in the metaphysical world. Elaine, her friend, and I all went to the Festival of Light on Saturday. It was a really enjoyable time there. I spoke with several different people, the smiles were genuine and the joy was very real.

I think that the most interesting person that I met there was Frank. I don’t know his last name, but he even looks like a “fairy” person in the flesh. Elaine had met him first and he was giving her a treatment when Elaine’s friend and I walked up and watched. I have never seen a person with so much joy surrounding them before. Frank is a very tiny person, Elaine said that he was smaller than she was, but personally I think that they are about the same size. He was wearing purple plaid pajama bottoms, a baggy knit sweater with some design on it, and a denim shirt beneath that. His attire fit him to a tee. His long ponytail and scruffy beard were also fitting for this elfin creature. He had a smile and a simplicity that touched the heart and drew people to him. As Elaine put it, Frank is pure joy and he just makes you feel good being around him.

I don’t have enough room to write all that I did on this trip, but I will hit some of the highlights! Elaine’s friends and I went to Yellow Springs, an energy vortex in Ohio that is somehow stuck back in time. The energy there was wonderful and the little shops were fun to browse through. We did have a purpose for going to Yellow Springs as we were attending a group meditation there. It is held once a month, normally on the first Sunday of the month, but I was lucky as they had changed it to the second Sunday for this month.

Once again I met some people that I won’t forget. Lisbet (and I hope that I got her name correct!) is an amazing woman. She is the one that leads the meditations. She is a writer as well and it made me smile to realize that she belly dances! Her favorite is tribal dancing, which I enjoy as well. Her sweet and sincere spirit made her another person that I feel blessed to have met.

I learned a lot at Connie’s house, both in ways to help my business move along and ways to improve my Reiki treatments. I also received Reiki treatments from Connie and this was such an added bonus for me! I got to play with Connie’s metaphysical toys as well, I felt like a little girl in a toy shop! Of course, one of my favorite ones was the one that she used on my niece. It was a fairy wand that lit up with different lights as she told my niece that she doesn’t get enough recognition for the good works that she does so she touched her with the wand and told her what a good person she is!

It was very sweet of Connie to invite my sister and her daughter over on the last evening for homemade pizza and aura camera time! That is the most amazing metaphysical tool that she has, the aura camera. Someday … well someday I would love to have one as well! I checked the prices out and decided that might be a bit down the road, but it’s on the list!

It was a wonderful, amazing trip. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I came away with so many good ideas and a business plan that will help to grow our Center. I feel more capable of doing the things that I feel called to do, to make it easier to help more people and continue with what I have begun. Life is good!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I Just Realized Something …

I was reading over some of my writings that have to do with different Client treatments and what was or wasn’t done during the treatment. I didn’t realize that I have switched from using the word “I” to the word “we”. That’s how strong it is, this guiding that I am receiving, that it isn’t an “I” thing, it is most certainly a “we” thing.

I am never alone when I have a Client in the room; I am never alone at any time as far as that goes. The more that I open myself to “hearing” what my guides are telling me to do, the more things that I learn in the realm that I find myself in. It is amazing to me, the things that I can learn when I am open and ready to receive the instruction.

I had to smile as I read things like “and then we picked up this or that and did this with it”. I hadn’t even realized until I reread my writings that I was using the term “we”. It’s an accurate term.

During a treatment the other day, a new Angel appeared. She was all dressed in pink. She told me that she has been there all the time; I just haven’t been ready to see her. She’s a powerful Angel that heals the Client of stress to the heart. She has a very calming manner to her and her smile is, well it’s angelic.

There is a union at work here. I am the person that the Client sees, but I’m not the only one that is there helping them to feel better. I am part of a team and it’s a powerful team! I am the least of the members of this team. I know that the team is huge and that I only know some of the main players. The quarterbacks and the receivers are the ones that I’ve worked with the most. Now I’m beginning to learn the names of all of those on the line that aren’t in the spotlight, but without them, we couldn’t accomplish the things that we do.

It’s such an exciting world that I’ve entered into! The rewards are huge. Those that come to me are the ones that should be there. It is a fit from the first. How they are led to be there is a journey all by itself!

I have three new Practical Reiki Students about ready to receive their certification. It’s been asked if I worry about competition. Not in the least! Every person is directed to the Reiki Practitioner that is right for them, there is no exception. The more Reiki Practitioners that are out helping those in need, the better that things will be.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The True Miracle …

I can’t tell in words the reality of how good it feels to know that I have made a difference in someones life. This week has shown me just how blessed I am in having guides that work so well with me and the loving light of the Angels that are always in the room and helping as I work with my Clients. This is a journey that helps others, but it helps me more than I can express.

To be able to see with my own eyes the progress that is being made by my Clients is huge! It can’t be denied. One came in to show me that her poor swollen fingers, swollen so badly from rheumatoid arthritis that they were painful and had no movement at all, have places that are no longer swollen. That she can actually pinch skin and move it! On top of the noticeable physical changes, her emotional well being has changed so much. She has energy, she wants to do things and her smile is so beautiful that I can’t help but smile back at her. Such is the miracle of energy work.

To have another come in the next day, again all smiles and glowing, such a transformation! To have her tell me that her week was amazing to her; that others have commented on how good she looks. Her outlook is so much brighter and clearer and she is embracing life at the moment. What more could anyone ask for?

The hugs and happiness of my Clients is a big deal to me. I don’t work alone, I’ve never worked alone and I don’t claim to be the worker of miracles. The true miracle is the miracle of the Universal Light Energy and the ability to work with it. To know and trust the things that you see and hear to be true and follow through with them are a part of that miracle. To be able to see beyond the scope of my physical eyes and understand (though I don’t always understand) what I see and know that the energy and my helpers will be there to assist, always there to assist me, is a big deal.

Thank you, my wonderful little sister, for encouraging me to learn about the gift of Reiki. It is truly a gift and my Clients are a gift to me as well. By helping them, I help myself. It is a win-win situation and it makes my world a very beautiful place to be living in.