Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An interesting thing happened in Meditation …

It would appear that living with a Benevolent Being means that my life is not boring! Yesterday we had a public meditation. We actually had people there that were new to meditation and we really made their first time memorable!

We have a friend that has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a level one, the best level to have if you are going to be diagnosed. The problem is that her tumor is too big for a lumpectomy and she has decided to do a mastectomy. Our meditation was geared towards sending her love and healing.

From the moment I started into my meditation, she was there. During the first song, she was dancing alone first with white light shining down upon her, then water poured over her head, I knew that it was cleansing her. Suddenly, Julie, Jen, and I (along with several people that I didn’t know) were dancing around her. It was a very specific dance, one that I don’t know, but it was beautiful. We danced until the end of that song.

The second song began and so did a new segment of my meditation. I was only observing, but my friend lay upon my massage table up in my room. She looked so peaceful! Suddenly, a very large Angel appeared at her side. I even flinched a bit as it was such a large Angel. Then more Angels appeared. They were giving her Reiki, their hands were everywhere and she glowed a beautiful golden color. They very gently rolled her to her side and placed an amethyst pyramid upon the tumor. They continued to send her energy and it appeared as though there was an opening beneath the pyramid. They removed something, it started out red with a golden cord wrapped around it and then it turned silver with scales. What that means I have no clue. Then that song ended.

The third song began and so did a new section of the meditation. Again, my friend was there. She was in a field of the greenest grass filled with daisies. Her face was radiant and she was dressed in a goddess type gown, sleeves flowing as she danced. She didn’t dance alone. There was a man there with her, though I couldn’t tell what he looked like or who he was. They were dancing a beautiful dance together and soon we joined them, though we kept to the background with our dancing. She and the gentleman stopped their dance when they reached a high spot in the field. They gently held hands and watched as the sun set. The peace that I felt was immense. I heard the words very clearly that she will be very happy and at peace. Then I heard the words “it is done”. I thought that this was the end of the meditation and I was getting ready to take off my blindfold in anticipation of it being the last song.

Suddenly the loudest noise went off, startling everyone present! We all jumped as the heater, for whatever reason, starting sounding like a fire alarm! I jumped up and unplugged it quickly and everyone looked a bit rattled by what had just happened. I think that I may have made mention that I was glad that it was over anyway, not really sure on that as I did think it was over. Jen, who leads the meditations, said that there was one more song to go for this meditation, it really wasn’t over! We all started laughing as it seems, something decided it was over for us and made sure that we were startled into finishing. I told them that the words “it is done” came to me moments before the “alarm” went off. Now they say that it’s my fault, in a very loving and laughing way. The general consensus is that it was done on purpose by a Benevolent Being. The work really was “done” and we needed to end the meditation. It was interesting to listen to what each of us saw as we were tracking with each other in several parts during the meditation. We all danced in circles, purple and gold showed up for each of us as did the Angels.

I really hope that our new meditatee doesn’t think that happens all the time!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Once again, I am reminded …

Once again I am reminded to be careful of what you ask for. I have been aware for sometime now that there will come a time that I will be performing a service to people in the form of a medium. I have already had it happen a few times, but never because I have “asked” for it.

I am getting more comfortable with this side of things, not so afraid of my own shadow. I decided the other day to just ask the question, is there anyone/anything out there that has a message that they would like for me to pass along? To my surprise, there was.

I knew who the message was for before I knew who was sending the message. I know this person, the one that was to receive the message and I thought that I knew who would be sending a message to them. I was corrected very quickly as my assumption was wrong. I didn’t understand the first part of the message at all; the second part was easy for me to understand.

I didn’t pass it on for a bit at first. I got caught up in the debate of if I should or if I shouldn’t. What if the person receiving the message thinks I’m crazy (I do worry about that a bit), what if it upsets them? Finally, with a bit of prodding by those that seem to be around me at all times, I sent the message to the intended receiver. I realized after I did, that I had changed the pronunciation of a word to the way that I would pronounce it, not the way that I received it. I changed that as the word that I heard was the exact way that the person sending the message would have said it.

The message was apparently timely. The recipient needed to hear the words that were sent at that moment in time. They gave peace of mind and heart, along with an interesting twist that I will keep private. That had to do with the bit that I didn’t understand.

I am getting more comfortable with the things that are appearing in my life. I will continue to get more comfortable.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reiki … Broadening my Horizons

I am having another Reiki Share tomorrow. It was supposed to be last week, but the weather here was not nice and I postponed it. It makes me smile when I realize that even though I haven’t really advertised this event, at all, I am already aware of several people that are coming to it! Most of them are new attendees. I like that as it is a chance for me to spread the understanding of energy work to those that are interested and give them a feel for what it is all about.

I was directed, in a way, to purchase two books the other day. I love them both. One is a book to help teach Reiki, in a very simple form, to children. The other one is for giving Reiki to animals. My granddaughter was here when the books arrived. Her comment during our conversation on children learning to give Reiki was, “I’d rather just have you give me Reiki Grandma.” That made me smile. I explained to her that it was a very simple way to give yourself Reiki if you felt the need. Maybe you were nervous about a test at school and wanted to be calm and relaxed. Maybe your tummy was a bit upset and you wanted it to feel better so that you could stay at school. Even when you were home, you could help yourself if you weren’t feeling so good. She agreed that maybe it had merit, but she would still rather that I just give her a treatment as it puts her soundly to sleep!

She laughed as we were going through the book on giving Reiki to animals. There was a picture of a goat receiving a treatment. It happens that she has a pet goat named Lucky. She said that she would love to see me giving Reiki to Lucky, she even though that he might need a little as he is rather hyper-active!

These are new directions that my Reiki practice has moved. I look forward to learning, teaching, and practicing Reiki in these new ways. One thing about my life anymore, it’s not boring!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do Dreams Show Our Purpose?

How to begin this writing … well, I had a dream last night. That should be a good place to start. It was actually more like this morning than last night. I remembered sitting in a room with several people that I didn’t know and a few that I do know. The ones that I knew were Jen and Julie, the rest of the people were strangers. We were discussing the building that we were in and what part of it Jen, Julie, and I were going to use. Once we left the room where we all were, the building was a disaster!

Strange things happened as they seem to do in all dreams; disconnected at different places within the dream. There were children in my dream; several children. At one point we were putting on skits. Julie and I were helping the kids and it was a different skit in each room. The rooms weren’t completed, but we were working on them.

Then we were back in the same room, once again with people that I don’t know, and they were telling us that the child welfare people were coming to inspect the facility. I remember that we were worried as we weren’t ready to be inspected; we were still working on getting things ready! It never occurred to me to wonder why the child welfare people would want to inspect us at all.

Julie, Jen, and I were sitting at a very big counter that looked out over a large, open, wooden floor that reminded me of our dance floor, only much bigger. The counter reminded me of the one in our current Center, again only much bigger. We were giving each other readings and surprisingly enough, eating. For some reason I started opening doors at the side of the dance floor, there were several, and discovered that one of them opened into a bathroom. I was excited as there was a normal size toilet, but there were also facilities made small to accommodate children. I showed this to one of our dancers and she was very excited as she loved this bathroom. She said it was much better than the one that we had now.

Once again we were in the room with the people that I don’t know. With us were more people that I don’t know, but it didn’t take me long to realize that they were from the Child Welfare place and were discussing their findings. The Owners (as I take the first unknown people to be) were asking the official people to please just take into consideration what they had been telling them. They were answered with a “we are listening and you heard our response to plan A and you will be getting a response to plan B soon.”

For some reason, at this point I asked if I could say something. They all looked at me and I began a very impassioned speech and I have no idea where it came from! I told them that I was a Reiki Master and that my purpose there was to administer Reiki to the children. In this capacity I would never interfere with any medical treatment that they would be receiving. I told them that I was not a trained counselor and that I didn’t plan on taking the place of one. I told them that I was a very good listener though, and sometimes having someone to listen to what you have to say brings healing on its own. I told them to look around them, to see the beauty that the facility was setting in, to hear the peace and quiet that surrounded them. To know that just the setting would start to bring healing to the shattered lives of these children. I asked them to look beyond the state of repair that the building was in and to see the bigger picture of what we represent and what we can accomplish. I woke up after this speech with a sense of purpose.

Do our dreams tell us things as we sleep? This isn’t the first time that I’ve heard that I will be working with children, though it is the most impassioned message that I’ve received. The future holds many possibilities and I am very aware of that. All that I can do is trust and follow where I am led. I have asked to be used in anyway that helps to bring peace to the World. It will be interesting to see where the road and the journey lead me.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It Takes a More than One Tool to Heal at Times

It's always interesting that about the time you think that you are doing everything that you possibly can to help with a situation, you discover that you didn't give enough credit to one important piece of the puzzle. I injured my knee, or I think that I injured my knee though I don't really remember how, early last August. That would coincide with about the time several things were changing in my life.

The pain comes and goes, it can be very painful at times, especially if I sit in one position to long. It wakes me up at night and I can administer Reiki to myself and the pain goes away. It isn't fixing the problem though, as the pain will return and wake me up again.

I have tried to send Reiki to the cause of the problem, again, I haven't managed to make it better. I discussed my knee with my Neurologist at my last appointment and while he doesn't think that it's related to my MS, he did say that he would refer me to the orthopedic that did my knee surgery when a piece of my thigh bone fell out and was locking my knee cap. It is the same knee that is hurting again.

The doctor that he referred me to was supposed to call me and schedule an appointment, to date I have not heard from him. So I have continued on with my waking up at night in pain and administering Reiki so that I can go back to sleep again. OK, I admit that there are things that I know to do that can help and for some reason I just wasn't do them. I took the "You are Energy" class the other night with Connie Dohan and the reminder came to me loud and clear. I had another tool that I could add to my Reiki to help with my knee.

I was reminded about Louise Hay and her book "You can Heal Your Life". I have her book and I've directed others in its use, but here I was, not using it myself! So I looked up the affirmation for joint pain. The pain represents changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements. Wow, I can understand this one! Everything thing in my life has been changing directions since I became a Reiki Master. The affirmation that goes with the healing of the knee pain is "I easily flow with change. My life is Divinely guided, and I am always going in the best direction." I began saying this mantra yesterday when I finally caught the missing piece. I actually had a dream of myself writing out affirmations for clients on a prescription pad and then signing it. It seems as though I am in need of the first "prescription".

My knee already feels better. It isn't locking up when I sit and I didn't wake from pain last night. I didn't think that I was having any problems with this change in my life direction. I guess that maybe I might have misjudged that just a bit! I think that I need to add a notepad to my office as there might be a Client or two that will need an affirmation to recite.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mother Nature shows her power ...

This past week has flown by and yet, I've gone nowhere. The snow that was predicted arrived. The first days were fun as it seemed that our house was the meeting point for the family. I don't mind that. It reminds me of the past, when it was my kids that were the young ones, leaving all the snow covered clothing in their wake. Now it is my grand kids. The puddles of melted snow on the floor will always dry up and go away, the memories created at times like these, will be with me forever.

We had some really great sledding days, and yes, I even went out for a bit on one of those days. Then we woke to an ice storm. There was already 22 inches of snow on the ground and now the ice was coating it. The trees took on an unnatural look, though it was beautiful. The leaves, limbs, and needles were all coated in ice, some of them are coated in ice still. It was if I was looking at the beauty of nature through a glass covering. It was silent outside as nothing was moving.

Then it started. The trees breaking from the combined weight of the ice and snow. Standing outside, there was an eerie silence then off in the distance I could hear the pop of the branch as it broke and the crash of several more branches that were broken as it made its way to the forest floor. Another would break, once again changing the silence to a moment of sound, quickly to dissipate once more. There were no cars running, no birds singing, no cows mooing, there was nothing but silence broken by destruction. This was something that Mother Nature had manifested, no man could make it stop, no man could fix this, hug all the trees that you wanted to, they were still going to break and crash to the ground.

It was a lonely sound, this popping and crashing. It was magnified by the very quiet that surrounded it. The sledding stopped this day, no one knew what branch would crash to the ground next and it was too dangerous to take the chance.

Today, we are cleaning up. There is still snow on the ground, though now the rain has begun. We have over a foot and a half of snow still on the ground. The limbs are still falling as the rain is making the snow even heavier and the trees can't bear the weight. Next will be flooding, the water has to go somewhere and nature will have her way. The beauty has gone from the snow. It will take weeks to repair what Mother Nature did in just a few days and still continues to do. She is a force to be deal with, more powerful than anything that man can conceive of.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fear is a Learned Behavior

I wrote in an earlier blog of my fear of the unknown in the spiritual world. I am fine with seeing people that have passed on, spiritual beings that want to help, and the Angels when I am meditating or giving Reiki treatment. At other times I wrote that I am afraid that they might actually appear before me! I have had a few close encounters lately and I’m working through them.

My girlfriends and I had decided that I must have had some type of encounter in my younger years that has caused a blockage for me in this area. I no longer think that this is the case. During the past few days I have heard a message no less than three different times. That message is that fear is a learned behavior. The message has come from different sources, but it is always the same message. The Angels are very good at sending messages if you are paying attention.

Upon thinking about this, I have realized that I did learn this behavior. My Dad has told stories all of my life about different spirit encounters within his/my family. They have always been told in a manner of a scary bedtime story, not in a way that would instill a sense that this was a normal happening. I can clearly remember one such encounter as I lay in bed and listened to the steady footsteps coming up our stairs and I kept thinking over and over that whatever it was, please go into my sister’s bedroom rather than mine! The footsteps did go into her bedroom and I will never forget the look in her face when she walked into my room about 15 minutes later and told me what happened. She was white with fear and I slept with a night light for the next five years. She insists now that it was a bad dream, but unless I was part of that bad dream, it was a very real encounter.

So, my fear is a behavior that I have learned. There have been a few things that have come to light in the last few days about what I fear in meeting in the Center. It is interesting to note that I have been unable to get into the Center since these things have been revealed to me due to a snowstorm that we are having. Do I think that the snow was created just for me to have time to deal with this fear? No, I don’t think that I have that much power, but I do believe that the timing of everything was set to coincide with the storm so that I have time to work through this fear before I next go to the Center.

A learned behavior can be unlearned. I have the best possible help with the unlearning of things. I have been reminded daily, several times a day that I am not alone. Archangel Michael is always with me. I have asked for guidance and help and he is there to do that. He has made a personal appearance, standing beside my bed and I knew that he was there as I saw him. I had no fear. My poor dogs on the other hand were beside themselves as they couldn’t get to me due to the gate that keeps them in the dining room area.

I am working on this fear thing and I believe that it will be at a much better level by the time the snow dissipates enough to go back into the Center. I can not move forward with where I need to be, until I unlearn a behavior. I fully intend to do that.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is it a Coincidence??

I am not sure that I believe in coincidences. There are too many times that things happen and in hindsight you can see the path that leads up to you being in the right place at the right time for them to occur. I think that there are times that an opportunity presents itself, but where it leads depends upon the choices that you make at that time. Free will comes into play, and if you make a choice that leads you in a direction other than the one that would be most optimal for you, sometimes you take a very long detour before that particular choice comes up again. Make no mistake though, I believe that there are certain things that we are meant to do and situations keep coming up that help point us to the path we should be taking.

If we keep using our free will to make choices that aren’t exactly in keeping with our life purpose, we just keep making these detours and it can become a vicious cycle until we finally make the choice that leads us in the direction of our agreed upon  path.

Do I think that it’s a coincidence that when I am directed by Archangel Michael to seek out Connie Dohan’s help with a situation, that she should suddenly start offering an overnight retreat at her house?? No, I don’t. The night that I first saw Connie’s new class, I had a dream of an airplane. I had the same dream the next night. Then, during meditation with Jen, I saw the airplane again. I knew that I was supposed to be going to Connie’s home for this retreat. I talked with my sister and she is excited for me to be there to see her. It is not a coincidence that she and Connie live in the same town. I talked with my husband and he gave the green light to sign up, which was amazing. I do believe that I am headed Connie’s way in March.

When I pay attention to the things around me, I seem to make the choices that lead me in the right direction. I continue on my journey with no interruptions and the path is clear. The things that I need appear as I need them and am ready for them. I had to smile at that as it would seem that I am being pushed just a bit for something that I might never have been ready for. It seems that has been taken from my hands and I will learn to accept what is. I have been given several tools to help with that adjustment and I think that they are helping.

The other day while in the Center, Archangel Michael left me a feather. It was in a spot that I’ve never been in the center, but I know that it was left for me to find. I know that he is with me and that this was left to remind me of that and to also remind me that I am always safe.

My journey continues with some new and interesting twists to it. Where this twist will lead I have no idea, but I am pretty sure that it will not be boring. My best advice to you is to watch for the signs, don’t question them, but follow your instincts. When you chose the road that allows you to continue in a circle, you will never grow and your potential will never be met. It isn’t always comfortable, making the choice to take the road that is open in front of you, but it will never be boring!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Working through my fears ...

I sat down this morning to write a blog, became, hmmm, well I chickened out on the original subject and wrote about something else. Now I am back to write what I should have in the very beginning. The "outside" that I wrote about earlier today helped my mind return to the topic at hand and I know that it is something that I need to work through. Writing about it will help me do just that.

I knew, before we ever set foot in our shop as the "leasee" that there was an entity that lived there. I felt it and I then I asked during meditation and had that fact confirmed. I told the others about what I knew and they never questioned what I told them. They have even embraced that he is there.

So, what is the problem?? Well, it's me. I know that he's there, he's been there all along. I am fine with it when I am there with the others, when I am meditating, and when I am giving Reiki. There are times that I have been in a full-blown panic attack knowing that I was going to be there by myself. I have realized that it has something to do with my early years. I know that he will not harm us, I know that he is very interested in everything that we do, so this fear makes no sense.

While giving a Reiki treatment to a Client I knew that he was at the door to my office, asking permission to enter and watch. I gave him that permission. There was no fear, just a sense of peace. In that instance, my Client was also aware that he was there. Then I noticed during Reiki treatments that I kept hearing a very steady breathing that blended in with my music. At first I thought that it was something in the music that I had missed, then I thought that it might be my Client as they fall asleep often and the breathing is of someone that is sleeping soundly. Then, I heard it while giving a distance Reiki treatment, I was the only one in my office. It wasn't the music, though that didn't click at first. I heard it again giving a treatment to a Client in my office that afternoon. I heard it again a few days later when Jen and I were meditating together downstairs.

I didn't mention it to her at the time, again I thought that maybe she was doing some strange deep breathing thing. We were blindfolded so I couldn't "peak" to see what was going on. When I finally started putting a few things together, I asked her if she had heard the breathing. She had and she thought that it was me! This was the first time that she had heard it.

We decided to move a very large and very heavy desk to the opposite side of our center. It didn't slide across the carpeting at all and we were pushing and straining to get it to move even an inch. Suddenly, it took off and moved so easy across the carpet that we almost ran to keep up with it! Jen and I had to move it again the next day as it was too close to the wall. This time we actually asked for help moving it, and the two of us slid it over about four inches with ease.

Wednesday, during dance class, Julie and I (my other partner) both saw him. He was standing in the hallway watching us dance. It was just his shadow figure standing there, but his outline was clear. It took a bit for me to gain the courage to tell Julie that he had been there, she told me that she had seen him as well.

I have always had a fear of seeing spirits. At times it has been almost paralyzing and it is completely unreasonable. I know that it is. I know that he means no harm at all and when I am giving Reiki or meditating, I am in a very present state of mind and in that state of mind I have no fear. I have received messages from those  on the other side during meditation and Reiki and I have passed them on, again with no fear associated with it because of my state of mind when I have received these messages.

I feel that this is something that I am supposed to be doing, helping people deal with losing those they love and helping with the communication. How can I do that if I get so much fear in the waking world of possibly having contact with a spirit? I think that he is here to help me get over this fear. To work through it in my mind and in my heart. I realize that the fear is completely ego based. I have no doubt of that.

I have started using new words, instead of "why am I so afraid?" I've been saying, "I embrace the spirit that lives at the center". The panic attack stage has gone away, but I still feel my heart beating hard when I am going to be opening the door to the center and I am alone. I ask Archangel Michael for protection when I go in by myself. I did that yesterday on my way in, knowing that I would be the first one in by over 1/2 hour. I smiled when I saw that one of the dance students was very early for class and waiting at the door for me. I didn't enter alone. I wonder at that as it was yesterday that I saw the gentleman for the first time. Was Archangel Michael aware that the gentleman was planning on allowing us to see him that day (by us I mean only Julie, Jen, and myself) so he gave me someone at first so that I didn't see him alone?

I see spirits, deceased loved ones, and angels during my Angel readings, behind my closed eyes. I truly feel that when I get past this strange fear, I will be able to see them with my eyes open.

I am running again ..

I am getting ready to go out for what I refer to as a "run". My son calls it jogging at best, maybe even a fast walk. He's probably correct. I try though, and that's all that matters. I was in much better shape a few years ago, but then life seemed to get in the way and I got out of the habit. It IS a habit, exercise, a very good habit.

I am getting constant reminders now, that I need to be outside. Not that I should be outside, but that I need to be outside. I know the reasons why, I think better when I'm outside and moving. I feel better when I'm outside and moving. I am more connected with myself when I am outside. I have written before in my personal journal, that outside is my church and the birds are part of my choir.

That last sentence makes me smile as my Dad reminds me often that growing up, when he needed help around the farm, I could never be found! I never left the inside of the house, which isn't exactly correct. I did have a way of disappearing though, when Dad needed help. It seemed that my older sister or my brother were much better suited for that. Dad had/has a temper and that was what I was disappearing from, conflict is not something that I am good at. It was much easier to just be "invisible" long enough for him to have someone else to help him.

Even now, I need prodding at times to go outside. Until I get back into my routine of running again, it will be an effort and a reminder on my part to go out and do it. I always feel better when I do, even if it's pouring the rain and I get soaked. Why is it that even knowing something will make you feel better, you still put it off? I guess it's like eating that healthier diet, it just seems to be something that can be done at more convenient time.

I can hear the ring in my ears, the one that is telling me "outside, outside". I know that it's time to go. I will feel better, more alive and more in tune with the world around me. This is one addiction that I need to get again, the outside addiction. Nature has so much to teach me, if I only listen. So, outside I go, I'm ready for some rosey red cheeks.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Missed Opportunities

Do you believe in runners? People sent by the Angels to tell you something, teach you something, or just make you aware that the Angels are around? I do. I truly feel that they are being sent to me, and in saying that, I realized that I missed a very big runner just the other day.

All three of us were in the Center that day. Julie had just finished with a Client, Jen was outside getting some air, and I was sitting at the desk finishing up some bookwork on the computer. I didn't hear the gentleman come into the Center, I just looked up and he was standing at the beginning of the dance/yoga floor. I guess it was because I knew that Jen was outside, so the sound of our bell above the door wasn't audible to me. Julie spoke to  him first. This is an unsusual event, to have a male stick around or even wander in without an appointment as our "window" is filled with belly dancing costumes! It isn't a manly place, though Julie and I do have male Clients.

Normally, when a male wanders in, he asks a few questions and then he wanders out again. This time, he just kept walking in and perched himself upon one of the bar stools at our desk and began conversing with us. Jen came back in and walked around the desk to the Center's computer and I continued at my computer. Julie was sitting on the other bar stool across from the gentleman. I will not lie, we were a bit uncomfortable as we had no idea what it was that he wanted. He mentioned how easy it would be to rob us, we just looked at each other and said that it would be hard actually as there was no money there.

Then he started to tell us about a wave in Australia that killed and injured several people. He wanted Jen to look it up on his facebook page. We told him that wouldn't be a good idea, for him to give us his facebook information, so Jen looked it up through a search engine. None of us had heard of this disaster, but he was correct, it was there for us to see. He continued on to tell us about another view that showed people being killed and swept away. We said that we would rather not look at that footage. He asked us if it didn't make us want to go and help those people.

This was the strangest encounter that I think I've had in recent years. He stayed for a very long time. We were uncomfortable the entire time. He kept talking about things that were bizarre to say the least. The things in this world that were happening, people that were hurt, and asking us if we didn't want to do something about it. He kept asking us "what are you about?" He said several things that COULD have led into a spiritual conversation had I, we, just opened our mouths and let the words fall out. If I had spoken my truth. Instead, I kept working very hard on my computer bookwork, wishing that he would leave. He started talking about 2012 and changes in the world. We all were making the attempt to tune him out by this point. He left soon afterward, riding off on his bicycle.

I felt, after I had a chance to think about it. That I actually missed a runner. I believe that he was sent, in this uncomfortable manner, so that I could see beyond what my eyes were telling me and I could speak my truth. I made a judgement and I feel that in hindsight, I was wrong. I have been working on the lesson of speaking my truth and I just remained very quiet.

Upon talking with Jen and Julie I realized that both of them were feeling the same way, that they, too, had missed a runner. Each of us feel that he was there for a different reason, but we each had a personal reason that he was there as a messenger for us.

Never judge anyone because of outside appearances. Look a bit deeper than that. Don't ignore the voice in your head that reminds you of someone this person seems like and then ignore the voice and let your human ego take charge. I missed an opportunity the other day to help someone that was looking for something other than Reiki, Massage, or dance. Something drew him into our Center and I think that we failed to provide what was needed. I also believe that we are never judged in such instances, but that the opportunity will arise again, a different runner will appear, and I will do better next time.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Marsha and the Angels ....

One of the most amazing people that I have met in recent times is Marsha Bennie, her business name is Petals on Wings. She has the most contagious laugh! I enjoy talking with her, learning from her and the messages that she relays to me. Marsha has a very strong connection with angels and I greatly appreciate her/their insight.

I had an Angel Reading the other day with Marsha. I knew that it would be a special one once again as she told me at the very beginning, the Angels were being very specific with me and this reading. When she told me that they had specified the exact deck to use, Doreen Virtue's Messages from Your Angels, I had to smile as that is the exact deck that I use.

I enjoy talking with Marsha, she is such a happy person, filled with life and love. Even over the phone, her personality comes through, her honesty and her true love for what she is doing. The Angels are very active in her life, they are very active in my life as well. I already knew that and I embrace those relationships. Everything that Marsha talked to me about wasn't what most might think of as a "reading". This isn't a crystal ball looking into the future, it is an honest look into the center of your being, with answers to questions that are helpful and filled with love. The answers come from the Angels, Marsha passes them along and at times will add her own perspective on what was said. I know that it's her own perspective as she is very upfront about the times that the words are coming from her own thoughts.

I had my reading in my center (we are calling the shop the center now) and towards the end I heard one of my friends talking with someone else. She and I were the only ones in the shop at that time, so I had no idea who she would be talking with. I had just heard from Marsha that Archangel Michael was helping me with my business and now, I heard this little voice downstairs talking with my friend.

When I went downstairs, the sweetest little lady was sitting in one of our big chairs having a nice conversation with Jen. To my surprise, she was actually there to see me. Oh, how quickly those angels send runners to help with your business! She wanted to talk with me about my Reiki Share. She said that she would love to come to it, but did I realize that I had scheduled it to end after the last bus run on Sunday? That if I made the time earlier, more people would be able to attend as there would be bus service. I did not know that as I had never even thought about people riding the bus. I told her that I had no problem moving the time to begin at noon and that I would do so right then. She then very sweetly pointed out that I should change the time on the sign on our outside bulletin board to reflect the new time frame as well. I hadn't thought of that, again, thank you!

This was one of the first times that I recognized the guidance being given to me so quickly. I greatly appreciate all of the help that I am receiving, from both the human and the angelic world. The angels said to talk with Marsha and I did. Now I have a better understanding of what I need to do within myself to live the life that I have been moving toward for such a long time. It is within myself that I need to do the work. Everything that I need is already there, I just need to have the confidence and self-assurance to trust that very simple fact. I need to look to the angel on my left, the blue angel of communication, and learn to speak my truth. I need to realize that I am a powerful woman, with the ability to handle situations with the right words, words that won't cause conflict. To not only know what I want, but to realize that I have the right to achieve it and it doesn't hurt anyone else in the process.

I have a support team that is more amazing than anything that I could have put together on my own. The coolest thing is, they have all just appeared in my life (or in the case of some, were there all along) and together we make such a wonderful team.

Now, I need to take a walk outside. I need to be in nature as it clears my head. Life is amazing.

For more information on Marsha, please check out her website at www.petalsonwings.com.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Keep an Open Mind

I have noticed as I travel this journey of mine, that there are people that judge by appearances only. I don't mean judge me, though I am sure that there are those that do just that, but judge in general. Everyone has their own issues and they deal with those issues in different ways. These are issues that they are trying to fix in any way that seems to be the correct way for them.

There are the main stream ways, these are accepted by most and receive approval from those around them as the way to improve their issues. Conventional means of problem solving, whether it be medical or physiological, are wonderful and I completely encourage them. I use them myself and I have great respect for those fields. I chose to work with them and not against them.

I don't understand why there are those that disapprove so readily and loudly of anyone that is using a method different or in addition to, the one that they see as the normal route to take. I have heard the word crazy used at times for those seeking a non-traditional method of healing to go along with the traditional methods. Why is this crazy? Just because you don't understand it and don't wish to understand, that does not make it crazy.

The human mind is the strongest part of the healing process. I have a friend whose husband was injured in the Vietnam war. She said that he lay there and watched as people came in and it was confusing at times. Those that came in with seemingly mild injuries would die while others that came in with injuries so severe, there was no way that they should have lived, but they did. The difference in the injured people came down to the strength of their minds. If they gave up, so did their bodies. If their minds were strong and they were determined, then they worked with the people trying to save them. They gave strength of will to the healing and I believe helped heal themselves.

The physical body can be understood by our scientists, the mechanics of it have been defined and it is understood that when this happens it creates this other thing. The mind is an entirely different matter. The brain, the physical part of the mind, can be studied and categorized. The mind though??? How to study the human mind, the thoughts, the processes, the enigmas that can be found there. Just because something cannot be explained in scientific proofs, does not mean that it doesn't exist. The mind and its thoughts exist. Everyone is aware of that as we all have them and need no scientific experiments to prove that small fact. The strength of our mind and why it is different from one person to the next, is something that is still being worked on.

What I do, giving Reiki, works with the areas that scientists are just now starting to examine. Cameras have picked up our auras, things not seen with the naked eye. Researchers have done studies on amputees and through MRI's have realized that the missing limb still has a magnetic outline of it that shows up in the films. The body remembers all of its parts, even after they've been removed.

Just because someone is using a method of healing that you don't personally approve of, please don't label them as crazy. When you can see the results and see progress being made, then embrace and rejoice with them. There are many wondrous things in this world and being open to them can add so much to our personal lives. All that I ever ask anyone is to just keep an open mind.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ethereal Touch Reiki: Happy New Year!

Ethereal Touch Reiki: Happy New Year!: Happy New Year everyone! It was a special night last night, though I did miss my friends and business partners (I loved the picture that you...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! It was a special night last night, though I did miss my friends and business partners (I loved the picture that you sent at midnight) it was a night spent with my family. All of my children except my youngest, who was there in spirit as Wyoming is such a long way from here, were with me New Year's Eve.

It was so nice to just, be. Playing "Apples to Apples" with my kids, their spouses, and my grandkids was the perfect evening. We moved on to pictionary after that and before we knew it, it was 2012! I really didn't think that I would make it to see the New Year as I get tired quickly at night. It just goes to show you that with the right company, the tiredness just disappears.

The perfect way to bring in the new year. I have a good feeling about this coming year. It holds the promise of new beginnings. Rebuilding our shop is the beginning. Building my business will continue. Meeting new people, learning new things, and spending time with those I love are all things that I look forward to in this new year.

The sun is currently shining (I saw currently as I am in Washington and that is always subject to change at the drop of a hat!) and the day is bright. I hope that all of you have the best of years in 2012. I am truly blessed to have the family that I do, both my immediate family and my extended family (that includes a few that I've adopted into my life). I am proud of all of you and I look forward to spending the next year and several more after that with you.