Friday, August 31, 2012

Set aside Your Own Unease …

There are times when I get such an urge to write that I can’t do anything but follow that urge. The words spin around in my mind and I know that they are something that need to be put down on paper. 

I have a friend that is battling breast cancer at the moment. She made a comment that has triggered a plethora of words swirling about in my brain that I can’t seem to quiet. She has come to a false conclusion, and I think that it’s one that many might come to in her circumstance, but it’s false just the same. 

She began her journey with a mastectomy, part of the breast is still there, but the nipple had to be removed. In the beginning and all through the chemotherapy, even with the loss of hair, she had intimate moments with others. There was no problem with being any less of a woman, being broken, being any different than where she was before. 

She has moved on into radiation and up until last night, I wasn’t aware of how devastating the burns actually become when a person is going through radiation. It was an eye opener for me. I felt nothing but love and compassion for her; she is still beautiful, just very, very burnt at the moment. I know that those burns will leave. It’s the pain that I know is going along with those burns that brought the compassion to the fore and it was with nothing more than love that I offered to help. 

The comment was made that it seems those that had held her when she needed the warmth of a touch have disappeared. The conclusion came that it was because of the mastectomy, the hair loss, and the fact that the cancer had left her broken; I am here to say that it has nothing to do with her; it has everything to do with those that are staying away. 

It was not hard before, when the pain wasn’t so clear. They don’t know how to deal with their feelings and reactions to the clear vision of how much pain is involved. It is their broken self that is keeping them away, not hers. It’s easier to stay away until the burns heal, than to have to admit that they have no idea how to deal with the emotions that the helplessness fills them with. I will admit that there are probably some that are just superficial people, but the majority of the people that she surrounds herself with are very good and decent people.  

When the burns clear, they will return. In the mean time they live with their guilt, though it is buried deep. I am here to tell you that while it might be hard to know what to do in the face of another’s obvious pain, they still need you to deal with your emotions, set them aside, and be there with love and compassion at this time. Leave your pity at the door, as it isn’t pity that they need, it’s the simple love for another human that is required.  

Please, set your own brokenness aside for a moment in time and reach out to someone that needs it. It will make the world of difference to both of you.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

I am attempting to get "technical" here and I hope that it works! I have written a short ebook containing three simple methods to help reduce the stress in your life. I would like to make it available to those that read this blog free of charge. If I can manage to figure out how to embed it within this blog, you should be able to do that!

OK, I'm not as smart as I'd like to be, but I am trying! If you go to the link below it will bring you to my website. Fill out the contact form, include the the words "free ebook" in the comment section and I shall send you your free book! It might not be fancy, but I think that it will work!

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Peace Begins With You

I read something on the internet this morning that really started me thinking. There are times that might not be a good thing! The comment was made that the New Age Movement was going to fail. This comment was based upon the 60’s and the hippie movement that existed at that time. Their reasoning was that there was no lasting peace on earth created then and there won’t be any created now. The attempt is destined to fail and therefore shouldn’t be attempted again.

I was a girl during the 60’s but I have watched different things about the 60’s in documentaries. I was more than old enough to understand the conflicts of the Vietnam War, and I don’t mean the conflicts on the battle field, but the ones that existed here at home. I feel shame for the way that the soldiers were treated upon coming home by the Country that sent them to fight in the first place.

 In the name of peace, there were many protests that ended up in violence. Is this any different than attacking another country in the name of God? The peaceful sit-ins were designed to bring about conflict and most of the time they succeeded in doing just that, the conflicts became very ugly at times.

Today, people still do things in the name of peace that bring about so much violence that peace is never attained. Where am I going with this? I wonder myself ….

Mother Nature and all of the inhabitants on this Earth need to have balance for things to work as they should. Mother Nature has a way of bringing this back into balance, normally in a very big and blustery way, but balance is obtained once more, if only for a short period of time.

My Great-Grandma Whisler was brought to mind this morning while I was contemplating the words that I read. She was a person that inspired others to be just like her. She never judged anyone; she never condemned anything that others were doing. She was gentle and you always felt the love that she had for everything when you were in her presence. She didn’t need to have a sit-in for peace to appear around her. She didn’t need to protest a war, march at a soldiers funeral, stand in front of a bulldozer, or become a suicide bomber to get her message across. All she had to do was be herself, and she was pure, non-judgmental love. I wanted to be just like her as did countless others.

Peace comes one person at a time. It comes from the heart of each person and as that person begins living their truth, the next person wants to know how they can be like the first person. It becomes a ripple effect and it is achieved without blowing anything up in the name of peace.

It’s a hard thing to achieve, this state of pure love. Great-Grandma did and she did it way before this so called New Age Movement. The answers lie within each of us, look inside of yourself and find your truth. Live your own principles every day and live in integrity. Take things one day at a time and then the next and then the next. Soon, it will be a way of life. Never beat yourself up if you slide backwards for a day, but remember that you always start where you are and you have a limitless supply of fresh starts.

As Brad and I heard at the Battlefield of Custard’s Last stand “Power is in Peace rather than Peace is in Power”.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Of Hobbits and Light Workers

There are times that I get what some might call “strange thoughts” running through my head. I have been writing a book to enter in a contest, and it has brought all types of memories to mind.

It brought the thought of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, some of my all time favorite books, and how the quiet little hobbits ended up being the heroes of the story. They didn’t set out to do it. They just wanted their quiet little life to live back in the Shire. Things and circumstances kept appearing before them until they felt that fate or destiny was pushing them to the point that they could no longer deny that they needed to start out on their journey.

In their quiet way they became the heroes of the world, . They surprised all, including themselves, with the feats that they could accomplish when they had right and good on their side. They had their guides, Gandalf and Aragon, and countless others that appeared to aid them as they were needed.

I can’t help but think of the comparison of these little hobbit heroes to the Light Worker heroes of today.  There are many that had no idea that someday they would start to get those nudges to look beyond their own door and discover a world that they hadn’t worked in before. It’s hard to leave the comfort of our own little hobbit hole when the nudges become so strong that we can feel the hands on our backs, along with those pulling on our arms, trying to get us to budge from our comfort zone and move into the world that needs our particular area of expertise.

I have read of several that have made those first tentative steps out into the big world. I would be counted along with them. It’s not easy to leave that comfort and go, even if the guide is telling you that they will keep you safe. Gandalf was lost in Moria for a bit and eventually Frodo had to move on his own, or so he thought at the time. The truth was that he was never really alone as he always had those watching and working behind the scene to help him move on his way as safely as possible.

That’s the way it is for the Light Workers of today. It’s not easy stepping out and being who and what you are, but it’s needed, you are needed. There are the big names, Doreen Virtue, Louise Hayes, and Carolyn Myss to name a few of them, and they all started out the same place that you are now. They left the comfort of their homes and are a major source of help and inspiration to all of those out in the world today.

What will you do if you find yourself getting those nudges to leave your comfortable home and become the unexpected hero? Will you begin the journey? Will you go deeper into your hobbit hole hoping that they forget you exist? They don’t ever forget and they will come around again, can you dig deep enough to never be found?

The world needs these messengers of hope, healing, and optimism. If you are on the receiving end of this guidance, don’t fight it; just take that first step on the path. The world needs more unassuming heroes.