Thursday, June 20, 2013

Looking in a Mirror

Today I looked into a mirror. It wasn't a real mirror, it was a real person. A new Client ... I knew nothing about her as I hadn't made the appointment, but I was excited to meet her. I didn't know prior to her arrival that she would be my mirror image of about 20 years ago.

A young mother with Multiple Sclerosis, me 20 years ago. She also reminded me of myself in her beliefs, her faith, and her spirit. Looking at her, I realized just how far I've really come. It is amazing. Seeing her looking at me, I realized that she was seeing how far she can go as well.

She believes in me, she believes in herself. Together with her physician we can make her quality of life the best it can be. She told me that somewhere in the back of her mind she imagined coming in to see me today and then walking out without her walker, cured ... a miracle. I smiled and told her that wasn't going to happen, not today. We work on the quality of life and it improves. The miracle is the positive attitude and the smiles, even when life is scary and you don't know where or how this is going to go.

It was humbling for me. I know though, this is why I had Multiple Sclerosis. I can talk with her, I understand, I've been there. She is a gentle soul and she trusts me.

Today I looked into a mirror and saw the self of yesterday. We all have roads to travel and our journeys are never the same. To be reminded at times just how far I've come is a blessing to me. I forget how blessed I really am. She is blessed as well, she has such a positive attitude and a beautiful smile. I will help her to continue her healing ... she is my blessing for today.