Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ask and you just might receive

There are times that I agree with that old saying be careful what you ask for. I believe that messages come to us in our dreams, guidance, answers to questions, and brilliant ideas that will enhance our futures. My problem has always been that I forget my dreams upon awakening. There seem to be only wisps here and there of the many thoughts that floated through my mind while I slept.

It was almost a year ago that I added the sentence I dream dreams of importance and I remember and understand them when I am awake to my nightly mantra prior to sleeping. Be very careful what you ask for as it would seem that the Universe does listen! I have had many dreams since I began asking for the ability to remember and understand them.

Some of them are really clear to me, others I am still trying to figure out. Some have not been about me at all, but about those around me. There are dreams that bring me comfort and others that I wonder if I should pass along to the one that I dreamt about.

My entire life, I have had dreams that included water. I understand that water represents emotion and in the dreams of the past, water has always blocked me from getting somewhere. It might be a trail that I was walking on and suddenly water would be rushing over it, leaving no way to continue on. I would be walking down a road and a huge body of water would suddenly be covering the road and I didn't seem to know how to get through this water to where I could see the road continue on the other side. Always, the water was blocking me.

In recent months I have had two very different water dreams, it seems as though my dreams have taken a new turn. The first one came last summer. I was walking down a dirt road and there once again, a puddle appeared. This time though, it was shallow and I walked right through it. Another puddle appeared, but once again, I walked right through it. The puddles became smaller and smaller and while they were inconvenient, they didn't block me at all. I turned and looked behind me and saw that one of my grandchildren had started to follow me along this road. He was following my exact path, straight as an arrow. Looking beyond him, I saw that the entire road was filled with people, some that I knew, some that I didn't, but they were all following me! I woke feeling rather humbled, but excited as I felt that it might be a glimpse into what is yet to be.

The second water dream I had came as I was getting ready to switch my office to a new location. Again, as in the dreams of my past, I was walking along just fine and a huge body of water appeared within my path. This time I couldn't see the other side, so I have no idea where it might be. The water wasn't smooth, it was choppy and looked cold. For some reason, I remembered that I know how to swim! I dove into this water and started swimming into the unknown. I remember very clearly thinking that I wouldn't be able to swim that far, I would get tired, I would sink. A voice came to me, so clearly, remember that you can always float on your back to rest and when you are ready, swim once more. Oh! That's right, I can float. I don't need to accomplish it all in one big push.

These dreams do have meaning. They keep coming to me when I need to know something important. I asked for it and I am receiving it.


  1. fascinating post Debbie---a few weeks ago I decided to start charting my dreams, with a notebook by my side...I also found a nice dream class on Daily Om that I'm in the midst of...biggest thing, the symbols are VERY personal to each individual

  2. I am going to look this class up. This is a subject that interests me greatly. thank you for the comment.
