Sunday, December 11, 2011

From the Angels themselves

There is something to be said for peace and happiness. There is something to be said for things going as they should. There is something to be said for the place that I find myself in at the moment.

I have been blessed, each and every day of my life, these blessings grow. My life is filled with the most amazing people. They each bring such a joy and wonder to me. It is true, what I've heard, when you are ready and open for things, the Universe just sends them to you. When you reach a readiness, the runners appear and things just "happen".

The Angels are a part of my life. They show up as I give Reiki to Clients. They are there in my dreams, they are there when I am awake. I am ready for the Angels, to accept their help and guidance, to be open for what appears with them. They have helped me to heal others and they continue to help me to heal myself. I am not talking entirely physical here, but emotional as well.

I have learned to pay attention to signs that show up around me. When there are suddenly a very large amount of Angel references in my life, even coming from people that I just met, maybe it's telling me something that I need to listen to. Even in my dreams, the Angels are appearing. I woke the other morning, with the knowledge that I needed to teach a class with my friend on the twenty-two Angels that are with each of us. She had the same sort of a dream, not specific to Angels, but that she was to be doing something special with me.

So, while I am already working on lesson plans for Practical Reiki and teaching the use of the pendulum, I am studying the Angels. This will be a special class, guided by the Angels themselves. I am looking forward to what the future will hold. Someday, I hope to see the Angels with my eyes wide open, but until then, seeing them within the realm of my Reiki and knowing the little messages that they leave for me, will be enough to bring me complete happiness.

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